
Cancer Team

Cancer Team

           Let me ask you this, have you ever been stopped dead in your tracks when you received the news that someone you care about has been diagnosed with cancer? The “c” word, it can be so paralyzing when you hear it uttered over the phone. As you start to process […]
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Golden Milk

Golden Milk

Have you ever tried “Golden Milk?” Golden milk, also known as Turmeric Milk is a native drink from India.  It is creamy and spicy in flavor and is known for being anti-inflammatory. I have made drink this many times and usually will drink it right before going to bed.  It can be served warm (great […]
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The Magic of Gifts

The Magic of Gifts

Historians will tell us that the practice of gift-giving goes back to the earliest times of civilization. Despite the different ways it has manifested itself in various cultures and time periods, gift-giving has been as much a part of our lives as eating and breathing. You don’t have to be a historian or psychologist to […]
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Friends together after walking a long race

More Walking Miracle(s)

Thought you might enjoy a trip down memory lane as tomorrow we will be cheering from the sidelines during the 3-Day Komen walk. Here’s the post from 3 years ago. Stay tuned for updates on this year’s event……….. 11/22/2019 As many of you know I participated in the Komen 3 Day last weekend.  I wanted […]
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Caring for cancer patient in bed

Caring too much?

     You know how you can tell someone exactly where you were when you received some sort of catastrophic news? I’ll never forget the circumstances surrounding Nikki’s diagnosis- I was playing with the kids in the backyard (or lanai as we say in Hawaii) when my wife got a phone call, THE phone call.The […]
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We're in this together

We’re in This Together

We’re in This Together When Nikki was diagnosed with cancer over five years ago, we never imagined that the big batch of lemons we were handed would ever amount to barrels of lemonade, but that’s exactly what happened. Although it took us a while to get comfortable with even talking about our journey, we always […]
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Welcome to Teamotherapy!

Welcome to Teamotherapy we are so glad you found us. You are most likely here because someone you know or love has cancer. We are so sorry for their diagnosis.  We’ve been there.

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