Friends together after walking a long race

More Walking Miracle(s)

Thought you might enjoy a trip down memory lane as tomorrow we will be cheering from the sidelines during the 3-Day Komen walk. Here's the post from 3 years ago. Stay tuned for updates on this year's event...........


As many of you know I participated in the Komen 3 Day last weekend.  I wanted to write and say "thank you" to all of you who supported me, whether in donations or prayers.  I also tell you about what an amazing experience it was.  The Komen 3 Day is a walk to fundraise for the Susan G. Komen foundation.  The walk is 20 miles each day for three days.  Each walker who registers has to raise a minimum of $2,300.   I heard about the a year and a half ago but was unable to train for it.  Then, this last July, the idea came to me again.  60 miles in 3 days is no cake walk, so I called the person I knew who would say "YES" to do it with me.  My friend Erin, who I have known since 4th grade.  We registered together in July and called our team, "Pinkaloha." I started the 16 week training guide in August and kept up with it, only missing a couple days.  It was long and hard but I kept at it because I really did want to finish all three days.  Initially, I signed up because I wanted something to do to motivate me to exercise consistently.  As time progressed I began to realize what an opportunity this would be to meet other people affected by breast cancer, and share my own story.
Day 1
The first day of the walk started at the Del Mar Fair Grounds. Tables with buttons and lanyards were everywhere and there was an amazing excitement in the air.  Opening ceremonies began and while it is a fun and exciting time, there wasn't a dry eye in the lot when the mom shared about losing her daughter, and the young girl losing her mother.  It took a while to get going but we finally were on the road around 8am.  Every three to four miles we came to a "pit stop" with bathrooms, food and water.  I never was so pampered on a walk in my life! This pampering continued all three days.  At some point during day one I realized I had my pants on inside out because I couldn't find my pockets.  Suits me right for getting dressed in the dark!  Our walk crossed the Del Mar dog beach, into Torrey Pines and we had lunch at La Jolla Shores. As we passed through the city of Del Mar the shops and businesses handed out candy, treats, stickers and had cheerleaders greeting us. It was amazing.  We continued after lunch, and ended our 10 hour day in the camp at Crown Point.  We found Mike with our luggage and went through the finish line with suitcases and sleeping bags in tow.  Hot shower, catered dinner and trail mix bar were some of the highlights of the night.  The police department volunteered on their days off to ride along side us on their bikes.  They danced the Cupid Shuffle while we ate dinner.  We setup our "pink" tent and Erin brought lights and aloha decorations.  Praise the Lord neither of us had one blister from the day.
Day 2
Awake bright and early we went to get breakfast and met a lady, Kristin in the line who was there by herself.  She had committed to walk for her best friend, who was diagnosed earlier this year. We invited her to sit with us for breakfast and we hit it off right away.  Afterwards we found Kristin's new friend Diane who she had met on Day 1.  The four of us ended up walking every step together of Day 2 and 3.   Day two led us through Mission Bay, Sunset Cliffs, Sea World and Pacific Beach.  Day 2 took us a little less than 9 hours.  We headed straight to the massage tent afterwards to get one of their coveted massage chairs.  We were turned away and told to come back later.  After showers, we returned and again were turned away.  Two women overheard us and convinced us to take their three tickets in line.  We finally agreed and were called up the very next three numbers.  It was amazing, and we attribute those massages to getting our muscles through Day 3.  After dinner we lit candles in honor of those going through breast cancer.
Day 3
Our last day we packed up our camp (I got to keep the pink tent) and ate breakfast and got in the line to start the day.  It was the hottest day yet. The four of us headed out together and walked through Crown Point,  Mission Bay, Old Town, Mission Hills, Balboa Park, Little Italy and ended in Downtown.  We had Erin's mom, Mike and Mike's mom join us downtown and walk us to the end.  At the finish line we walked along the grass and through a large inflatable pink tunnel.  Medals, shirts, flowers all were given to us as gifts.  We waited for the last walker to arrive and then the crew and volunteers lined up with Breast Cancer survivors behind them.  The crowd made a tunnel or path for all of us to walk down, while each person raising a shoe in honor of us survivors.   I am not someone who likes being in the spotlight but I did walk down and experience seeing all those shoes raised. It was such an honor and privilege.  I will remember it always.
This experience was unlike any other.  I now understand why men and women come back year after year.  The community felt at this event was truly something special.  1 in 8 women are diagnosed every, we even had a family friend diagnosed the night before the walk started. I walked with 8 yarn leis around my neck honoring the family friends I know who have been diagnosed.  My heart broke for those families along the way who were walking in memory of someone.  Including a young woman named Kate who was diagnosed with Stage IV triple negative (same type as me) at age 25.  She passed away at age 27.  I am humbled that only two years after finishing 10 months of treatment I was able to walk 60 miles in three days.  It really is a miracle.  A walking miracle. To God be the glory.

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