Our Story

Hello, my name is Nikki Uyboco and I started Teamotherapy in 2021. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2017. Soon after my diagnosis, I received many thoughtful care packages, cards, flowers and meals. I cherished those gifts and I still have many of them today.

One gift, in particular, became the catalyst for starting Teamotherapy. I had started a blog to keep my friends and family updated about my progress. In a recent post, I had written about having a small procedure, called a chest port which is a small device implanted near the left shoulder. Many cancer patients use this device for their chemotherapy. My first time driving the seat belt-pushed on the port making it uncomfortable. I thought about how nice it would be to have a little pillow to put between the port and seat belt. In the afternoon, that same day I went to get my daughter from school.  Another mom at school came over to me and handed me a little pillow with little tropical fish all over it. She said she had read my blog and saw I had had a port put in. She had a friend who worked in the cancer community, and she had sent me a “port pillow.” It was as if the very thing I needed (yet didn’t know existed) had just dropped from the sky. It was one of those moments where you feel God taking care of you in the smallest of details.

After surgery, chemotherapy and radiation we celebrated the end of my treatments. One of the people that celebrated with me was my next-door neighbour and closest friend, Juli. She had been there for me since the beginning. She cared for my kids, brought me medicine, cooked countless dinners and drank countless cups of tea with me.  Three weeks after my treatments ended, Juli was diagnosed with breast cancer. I immediately had emotions and feelings that hadn’t been there during my own diagnosis. In less than a month we switched places. She became the patient and I became the caregiver. I had this desperate desire to want to do something. I wanted to take her cancer away, but I couldn’t. So what could I do? I simply started doing the same things she had done for me.

I am happy to report that both Juli and I remain cancer-free. My experience as both a patient and caregiver is what led me to the idea of Teamotherapy. Often a cancer patient’s medical staff is referred to as their “cancer team.” In reality, there are many more who love and support the patient outside of their doctors and therapists. That pillow I received showed me that there are products “out there” for cancer patients that I was not even aware of. Juli showed me that people can do far more than medicine ever could.  I wanted to create a company that helps people who want to help but might not know how. I am truly sorry for your loved one’s cancer diagnosis, but I am glad you found Teamotherapy. We are here to help you help them.


I am happy to report that both Juli and I remain cancer-free. My experience as both a patient and caregiver is what led me to the idea of Teamotherapy. Often a cancer patient’s medical staff is referred to as their “cancer team.” In reality, there are many more who love and support the patient outside of their doctors and therapists. That pillow I received showed me that there are products “out there” for cancer patients that I was not even aware of. Juli showed me that people can do far more than medicine ever could.  I wanted to create a company that helps people who want to help but might not know how. I am truly sorry for your loved one’s cancer diagnosis, but I am glad you found Teamotherapy. We are here to help you help them.


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