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Do you have a loved one with cancer? Are you looking for ways to help?

We have several care package options for you.

Welcome to Teamotherapy we are so glad you found us. You are most likely here because someone you know or love has cancer. We are so sorry for their diagnosis.  We’ve been there.

Often a cancer patient’s medical staff are referred to as their “cancer team”.  But here at Teamotherapy, we know that a cancer team includes so many, especially you. We want to help you help them, no matter what kind of cancer or treatment.

Our Care Packages


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About Us

Hello, my name is Nikki Uyboco and I started Teamotherapy in 2021. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2017.  Soon after my diagnosis, I received many thoughtful care packages, cards, flowers and meals. I cherished those gifts and I still have many of them today. One gift, in particular, became the catalyst for starting Teamotherapy. I had started a blog to keep my friends and family updated about my progress.